Apr 30, 2020
17 Minute Rosary - THURSDAY - Luminous - ALPHA TONES
The soothing musical movements of these alpha tones create an
environment where your mind can reach a deeper state of calm, all
while focusing on this Thursday rosary.
May this Rosary become a faithful companion to your prayer life.
Additional prayer tools at...
Apr 29, 2020
17 Minute Rosary - WEDNESDAY - Glorious - ALPHA TONES
The soothing musical movements of these alpha tones create an
environment where your mind can reach a deeper state of calm, all
while focusing on this Wednesday rosary.
May this Rosary become a faithful companion to your prayer life.
Additional prayer tools at...
Apr 28, 2020
17 Minute Rosary - TUESDAY - Sorrowful - ALPHA TONES
The soothing musical movements of these alpha tones create an
environment where your mind can reach a deeper state of calm, all
while focusing on this Tuesday rosary.
May this Rosary become a faithful companion to your prayer life.
Additional prayer tools at...
Apr 27, 2020
17 Minute Rosary - MONDAY - Joyful - ALPHA TONES
The soothing musical movements of these alpha tones create an
environment where your mind can reach a deeper state of calm, all
while focusing on this Monday rosary.
May this Rosary become a faithful companion to your prayer life.
Additional prayer tools at...
Apr 26, 2020
17 Minute Rosary - SUNDAY - Glorious - CALM CELLO
Relax your mind and release stress with beautiful musical
arrangements featuring cello. The depth and emotion of this
inspiring instrument are well showcased here
alongside this Sunday rosary.
May this Rosary be a faithful companion to your prayer life.
Additional prayer...