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A Rosary Companion

Jan 31, 2020

20 Minute Rosary - FRIDAY - Sorrowful - FLOATING

Experience the sensation of floating into a state of calm with each peaceful musical passage alongside this Friday rosary.

May this Rosary be a faithful companion to your prayer life. Additional prayer tools at

Blessings, Chris - The Communion of...

Jan 30, 2020

20 Minute Rosary - THURSDAY - Luminous - FLOATING

Experience the sensation of floating into a state of calm with each peaceful musical passage alongside this Thursday rosary.

May this Rosary be a faithful companion to your prayer life.

Blessings, Chris - The Communion of Saints

Jan 29, 2020

20 Minute Rosary - WEDNESDAY - Glorious - FLOATING

Experience the sensation of floating into a state of calm with each peaceful musical passage alongside this Wednesday rosary.

May this Rosary be a faithful companion to your prayer life.
Additional prayer tools at

Blessings, Chris - The Communion...

Jan 28, 2020

20 Minute Rosary - TUESDAY - Sorrowful - FLOATING

Experience the sensation of floating into a state of calm with each peaceful musical passage alongside this Tuesday rosary.

May this Rosary be a faithful companion to your prayer life. Additional prayer tools at

Blessings, Chris - The Communion of...

Jan 27, 2020

20 Minute Rosary - MONDAY - Joyful - FLOATING

Experience the sensation of floating into a state of calm with each peaceful musical passage alongside this Monday rosary.

May this Rosary become a faithful companion to your prayer life. Additional prayer tools at

Blessings, Chris - The Communion of...